Gaia - digital mammography unit
Mammography unit with large-format digital detector based on amorphous selenium technology (24x30 cm). This enables to produce the highest signal/noise ratio and offers greater efficiency compared to other known technologies.
Combination of tungsten anode tube and X-ray tube rhodium filtration gives an opportunity to reduce a radiation dose and to obtain high-quality images of breast regardless of its thickness or consistency.
Mammography stand can be isocentric (mostly comes with an attachment for stereotactic biopsy) or non-isocentric (without stereotactic equipment).
Built-in workstation controls exposure parameters, has image viewing programs, graphic functions and DICOM tools.
A professional workstation includes LCD display for database management, two monochrome high-resolution monitors (5 MPixel) for image observing; mammography software; DICOM-package that integrates mammography unit to RIS-HIS-PACS interface.